Friday, February 20, 2009

Class Library Book!

Remember to bring the class library book on this coming Monday (23 Feb) for the first exchange!

If everyone were to have theirs on Monday, you will receive a new copy as soon as possible.

So pack your bag on Sunday night before you sleep!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A bundle of activities

This is so fun! Click here to learn adjectives and see if you can catch the prize!

Do you know what is a noun, preposition, verb, adverb, adjective and article? These are parts of speech. Test your understanding in this online activity.

Do you proof-read your written work each time you claim to be have finished your work?
Do this online activity to see if you can spot the mistakes in the passages.

Text types

We discussed about non-fiction and fiction recently in Unit 2. These are the types of books we can find in the library and anywhere.

Each book or passage (can be called text) is written for a purpose. Just like when you write a letter to your friend, you have a reason to do so.

Try this online activity to be sure you know the purpose of each written text. This is also a review on letters which we have learnt in the past unit.

Do you know what are text types?

Test your knowledge in three level of quizzes.
Level 1 (on Informative texts so try this first)

Level 2 (on Persuasive texts )

Level 3

Play the game here.


We have been doing worksheets on Connectors (or conjunctions) for the past two units.

You may want to challenge yourself by doing these quizes!

1. Conjunction 1

2. Quiz 2

3. Quiz 3 (For this exercise, you can either write your answers on a piece of paper or answer in your mind. THen click on the button to check your answers.)

4. Conjunctions-it is pop-up!

Subject-verb agreement

Some of us tend to be careless when we choose the verb for a subject.

For instance,

John and Mary is playful. [This is WRONG]

The correct answer should be John and Mary are playful.

When you see an arrow from the verb to the subject (nouns) is drawn in your worksheets with a 'SA' written on it, you know that you have made a Subject-verb agreement mistake.

Practice it here though the questions are a bit difficult.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

The following online exercises are much easier. Try it here for Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 here.

Online Reading comprehension

Test yourself to see if you really understand the passage!

There are six passages/stories and three kinds of online exercises you can do-cloze passage, comprehension and recreate the story.

Start your fun here!

Quotation marks

1. Quotation marks online exercise here.

2. Another exercise with 10 questions here.

3. This is fun. Go! (you will need shockwave installed for your computer for this online activity)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Borrowed Words

Where does Kiwi come from? How about Kangaroo?

Find out from here.

Hot Chocolate Story

This is the story that was shared this morning during the morning assembly time.


A group of graduates, well established in their careers, were talking at a reunion and decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired. During their visit, the conversation turned to complaints about stress in their work and lives. Offering his guests hot chocolate, the professor went into the kitchen and returned with a large pot of hot chocolate and an assortment of cups - porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the hot chocolate.

When they all had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the professor said: "Notice that all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. The cup that you're drinking from adds nothing to the quality of the hot chocolate. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was hot chocolate, not the cup; but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the hot chocolate; your job, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life. The cup you have does not define, nor change the quality of life you have. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the hot chocolate God has provided us. God makes the hot chocolate, man chooses the cups. The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything that they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. And enjoy your hot chocolate.


Here are some links to read more fables (stories with a moral).


Some stories in Aesop have audio so that you can listen to the stories.

2. Frog Fables and Parables


Hi all

A new website on Nouns: Common and Proper Nouns (Unit 2 of textbook) and games too.

Of course, you can learn about Concrete and Abstract Nouns, Collective Nouns and Countable and Non-countable Nouns on the same website too.

Timeline of English Language

You learnt what a timeline is in SS recently when we mentioned about farms and farming in Singapore's history.

How about the timeline of English Language?

Click here to find out how English comes about.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hydroponic farm in Singapore

Oh Chin Huat Hydroponics Farm is one example that uses high-technology methods to grow vegetables and sell them in our local markets and supermarkets.

Go to this site to learn more about hydroponics plants.

The following pictures were taken when I went there last year with a group of students.

(above) The sponge that holds the roots of the vegetables.

(above) Vegetables on the large platform, ready to be packed and sold to local supermarkets like NTUC.

(above) A close-up shot of the sponges protruding the platform.

(above) There are rice plants grown in a special room to let us know how they look like.

(above) Rows of plants grown in the tents.

Touch Typing

You can learn how to type fast and accurate on this site!


You are learming adjectives that describe nouns for Unit 3.

Click here to refresh your memory on what are adjectives.

This site teaches you how to use a few adjectives in a sentence.

Click here to learn about nouns, verbs and adjectives. There is also a poem on parts of speech!

Listen to a song on adjective (otherwise go to ACtivity No2 ) by School House Rock!!! Make sure you switch on the volume of your computer.


1. Game 1

2. Watch a musical clip on adjectives at School House Rock!

3. Choosing the correct adjective.

4. Another one here.

5. CLick here.

6. Wacky Web Tales. Write your silly story online by adding in your own words and adjectives.

7. Testing your memory and adjectives here.

8. Using nouns as adjectives. Learn what it is here.

9. This site has many activities. Look for English and then adjectives.

10. Adjective Review Game.

11. This is a supper difficult exercise to do but you can try it!

Intellectual Property

Click here to learn more about IP before the test next week on 24 Feb, Tuesday from 12.30-1.30pm.

Total Defence Day

Click on the website here to learn more about games on Total Defence.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quiz-Proper and Common Noun

Take this quiz to test if you truly understand what are common and proper nouns.

Quiz here.